Monday, May 1, 2017

Chiropractic For Conscious Kids

Chiropractic for Conscious Kids

With the ever increasing overstimulation and environmental toxins our children are exposed to daily, their wonderfully made bodies are unfortunately unable to handle the burden.  These burdens affect their immune system, digestive system, and nervous system.  What I see most often in my practice is the imbalance of all of these systems.

I am going to focus specifically on the nervous system.  Our nervous system is the control center and communicator of everything that happens in the body.  When overstimulated, the body can be in sympathetic dominance.  Sympathetic dominance is also known as the “fight or flight” mechanism. Unfortunately with the overstimulation that occurs, children can be in this state for a long period of time.  Symptoms include having trouble sitting still, resting, and relaxing.  They will feel anxious or worried. They have a very active mind and continually have the need to be doing something constantly. They become very sensitive and easily upset or angered when not getting there way or doing things they do not want to do.

The parasympathetic nervous system has an opposite effect on the body.  Low energy, slow starters, and hard to motivate or get excited.  A great way to describe the sympathetic and parasympathetic is the sympathetic is like the gas pedal and the parasympathetic is like the brakes.  

Why is this an important part of understanding how to help kids become more conscious?
It is hard for children to become conscious if in the sympathetic dominance phase.  Meditation and mindfulness activities seem impossible because they are in the “fight or flight” mode.  Their nervous system is so overactive it can cause burnout in their immune system, digestive system, and stress responses.  As adults, we can all remember what we felt like when we were very stressed out and how sensitive our bodies were.  The mind is overactive and hard to relax.   
When in the parasympathetic dominance phase, children tend to be slow starters, tend to be more quiet and lacking energy or motivation.  Again, this all affects their immune system, digestive system, and stress response.  

Chiropractic brings balance to kids.

What is amazing about Chiropractic is its ability to help balance both a child who is overactive and a child who is under active.  Every Chiropractic adjustment will help balance the nervous system which then helps balance all other systems in the body.  As a child is growing, its body is constantly adapting to everything around them.  When imbalance occurs, it is difficult for children to be more conscious.  Conscious kids need balance more than anything in their life.  Conscious kids need physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual guidance.  Chiropractic helps the physical need which then helps with their mental, emotional, and spiritual need for conscious development.  Chiropractic has become an essential part of my patient’s lives because they feel the difference and know the importance and understanding of balance.  Our children are the future and deserve the best in health and life.  

Dr. Chris A. Hengesteg
Owner of Hengesteg Chiropractic
12439 Poway Rd., Ste. A
Poway, CA 92064
Facebook Page: Hengesteg Chiropractic